It is the responsibility of the parents to see that:
- Their ward comes to school in proper uniform.
- The nails should be trimmed and hair should be neatly combed.
- No fancy accessories are allowed to be worn with school uniform.
- Their ward is punctual in coming to school. Their ward attends school regularly and does not miss school without a valid reason and prior permission. Their ward appears for all school test regularly.
- Their ward does the home work regularly and submits all assignments in time.
- The Almanac of their ward is checked regularly.
- The notebooks are neatly covered and labelled.
- Parents must attend Parent Teacher Meeting(PTM), for the overall betterment of their ward.
- Their ward must be available for pickup when School transport reaches on given time.
- The parents must inform the school if their ward is going to be on leave in advance. A written application must be sent to class teacher. In case of medical leave, a medical certificate signed by doctor must be attached with the application.
- For birthday celebration only one kind of toffee/chocolate is allowed to bring for distribution. Cake cutting is not allowed.
- Upon admission cancellation, parents are liable to pay fees up-to the month of admission cancellation.
- Once fees are paid, fees will not be refundable by anyway.
- All school dues are paid on time.
- The school is intimated about any change in address and/or contact number.