The school provides a student friendly, safe and hygienic infrastructure to accommodate all scholastic and foundational domains needs. State of Art infrastructure with all modern facilities in serene environment. Fully ventilated school which provides ambient atmosphere for overall development of a child. 



The backbone of any school’s infrastructure is the classroom. A well-designed classroom with proper lighting, ventilation, and ergonomic furniture contributes to a positive learning environment. It reduces distractions and enables students to focus on their studies, improving their concentration and academic performance.



 A well-stocked & organized library with both physical and digital resources to encourage our students to read, research and enquire about things that fascinate and assist students on their learning journey. We have a great library having around 5000+ books, meant for students of all grades. The library has various sources of content, including academic books, weekly & monthly magazines, newspapers, reference books.



The school recognizes that today’s children are ‘growing up digital’ and that computer literacy is of vital importance in education. Computer education is therefore an integral part of the curriculum. The school has well-equipped ‘wired’ computer labs with current and emerging computer hardware, software and other relevant resources. 

Students are introduced to basic computer components and its uses from Class I onwards & further students are introduced to, and work with, various software programmes as per need of the curriculum.

Our computer courses focus on word-processing skills, spreadsheets and databases, developing multimedia projects and using the internet for research.



School has well-equipped labs to meet all curricular expectations and provide hands on experiential opportunities & bestow practical knowledge in the subjects – Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Mathematics. 

All the labs contain the essential resources to perform experiments, including chemicals, specimens, and instruments, so that every student gets to carry out experiments individually. Our qualified and experienced teachers mentor the students to take a tour of the world of science, by the way of carefully designed practical classes and one to one supervision. There are advanced computers with high configuration, suitable for any work.



The audio-visual room is a place where the students of all classes experience learning in an effective way. The audio-visual method appeals most to the senses. It leaves a deeper impact as it involves greater attention in the act of learning and helps the child to retain the concepts taught through these aids.

The school has a well-furnished and plush audio-visual set-up. It serves as a valuable educational aid and multimedia facility acting as a catalyst in not only creating interest but also in increasing understanding of the students in the basic concepts of various disciplines.



Sports help in the overall physical and mental development of school children. Also, it teaches them discipline, team work, and team management. Most of all, it makes them multi-talented by allowing them to explore their talents & interests beyond academics.

We promote various kinds of sports activities at our school. For which we have well maintained and fully equipped play fields with all required sports equipment’s & mentors to teach & guide them. 


Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Hockey, Athletics, Skating, Yoga, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho


Table Tennis, Badminton, Carrom, Chess.



School reception areas are the heart of a school. It's the first place that visitors see on entering the premises, and presents an opportunity to provide students, and parents with a feel for the learning environment as a whole.

 School has a beautiful and pleasant reception area which is used to greet all visitors and to provide a waiting area for them until they are met by the person that they came to the school to meet with.



The school has a dedicated medical room with first aid supplies and basic medicine. The room has clean beds for the children who need to rest and recover.



Access to clean and hygienic sanitation facilities are essential for the health and well-being of students. Proper sanitation promotes good hygiene practices, reduces the risk of diseases, and ensures a safe learning environment.



The hostels of a school are defined as a second home for the ones who reside in the same. Hostels are the place where the students live, spend time with their friends, study, and do all their chores after school hours. School hostel offers good food, hygienic and healthy environment and other comforting home like facilities.



The transport system of the school boasts of a large fleet of buses fitted with GPS Trackers and well-stocked first-aid boxes. The bus routes cover almost the nearby and distant areas. Each bus has an attendant to accompany the students during pick-up and drop-off.



The safety of our children is of prime importance for the school. The entry and exit have a controlled access and only authorized persons can gain entry for any specific purposes. The security personnel are deployed day and night and the complete area of the school is looked after. Besides this to augment our security systems, all critical areas are covered by the CCTVs which are monitored 24*7, thereby ensuring that the security of children and infrastructure is covered round the clock. The CCTVs can be monitored on cloud from any location, thus taking care that the campus is constantly under supervision.